What is the working title of your book?
It’s all very vague. I know what I’d like, but I think it might be too difficult.
Where did the idea come from?
The idea came from an event in my own family history: one of my ancestors died violently in circumstances where the evidence points to murder but the verdict was quickly delivered as suicide. And I began wondering what if there had been an investigation … and that what if grew into a detective, a sidekick and lots of bloody deaths.
What genre is your WIP?
Historical murder mystery. Typically they’re seen as cosy mysteries but I have a feeling there’s far too much simmering sexual tension and violence to fit that mould.
Choose the actors for the movie version.
It’s never going to happen, but since we’re in the dreaming big territory of movies, Saoirse Ronan would be lovely as Sheba Darling.
One sentence Synopsis of your book.
A rebellious romance writers discovery that her innocent stay with family friends is actually a plan to marry her off to the obnoxious son is swiftly followed by finding a man dying in the garage, a large bullet wound in head — but before she can escape, our heroine must navigate a web of arranged marriages, handcuffed policemen and eyeless corpses to stop a violent murderer before they can silence her.
Will your WIP be self-published or represented by an agency?
There’s a part of me that would love representation. However, series are a tricky thing to get published and I do love the idea of having complete control over it.
How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I’ll tell you when I’ve done it. I’m planning, planning, planning over here.
What other books would you compare your story to?
I think there’s probably a strong nod to Agatha Christie, although nowhere near as good.
Who or what inspired you to write the book?
Oh, oops. I’ve already answered this in question 2.
What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
It features two intelligent, independent female detectives travelling the world in the 1930s.