Looking for a new tool for your writing or your life? Take a peek at the four things I’m currently using daily in my writing journey.
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What’s the best writing app for your novel?
The answer isn’t the one with the most bells and whistles, or the most ‘distraction-free’ tag line: it’s the one you actually use. And this is one I’ve used for years.
No, it’s not ideal, the only way to reorder the content of a folder is to edit the file you want to appear at the top and there’s a limit to each document size meaning the whole novel isn’t in one file. Although, as an aside, that does have it’s advantages — no accidentally losing a 80,000 in one go! And prefer having each chapter or section separate as I find it less overwhelming and easier to navigate through so for me that’s a plus.
If you’re not familiar with the app, you take a look here: Evernote
This is a new one for me and I am a long way off being an expert at it (it has a lot of functions so it can be quite complicated) but I’ve recently moved my character sheets from Evernote to Notion and it’s been a game changer.
Until I discovered Notion I was switching back and forth between my draft and my character sheet since Evernote doesn’t allow me to have two windows open at once on my tablet. It was annoying. Not hugely problematic, but enough to add a little bit of friction to my writing habit and I want to avoid as much of that as possible. Now I keep my sheets in Notion I can see them side by side. It’s a small change but it’s saving me time and making things that little bit smoother.
You can find Notion here if you want to check it out.
Being a writer I’m a big bookworm, and as much as I love a paperback, I also love being read to. I think it’s a throwback to the thrill of stories in childhood. There’s something special about hearing a book read out loud; it hits differently somehow. Plus there’s the joy of discovering new narrators added to the mix.
So I expect it’s no surprise I love audible. It has a 30 day free trial for new users, you can try it for yourself, risk-free.
The Musical Time Machine. This app lets you pick a decade and a country, and then plays you a random selection. I love getting listen to the music my characters would have heard. Yes, I have spent far too much time in the 1920s & ’30s thank you very much.😉
And here’s a little extra bonus resource to help out any other new authors who may be interested, a free course in building an email list that’s packed with easy to implement ideas by the internet’s multi-offer expert Elizabeth Goddard.
Looking to see what tech I use for this site? You can take a peek behind the scenes here.