Sasha Dane

Sasha Dane is a Jazz Age Hollywood romance and English mystery novel writer from Norwich in the U.K. When she’s not immersed in the glamour of black and white films or dreaming up ways to kill people (characters, I promise it’s just characters) she can be found wherever the chocolate is.

I sat down to write this after what feels like a ridiculous length of absence. I tried to write an update on my current work; about being creative in a time of crisis and war but none of it seemed the right way to return. And then I realised what I ought to be writing […]

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I used to be able to devour a book a week without really even thinking about it. Back then, I was a carefree college student with absolutely no idea how lucky I was to have so much spare time or even an awareness of how much time I actually did have. But things have changed. […]

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Note: I wrote this at the end of last year and completely forgot about it!  So here I am, posting it now in the spirit of ‘better late than never’.   After the year that was 2020, I’m not entirely sure that setting goals or intentions is the greatest idea. However, I’m feeling cavalier and […]

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